Handology Chart

The palm of your hand is a unique and powerful area. All our energy points are reflected in our hands and they represent our ability to create what we want and need in the world.

This isn’t a new discovery. In fact, Aristotle detailed palm reading in his work De Historia Animalium (History of Animals) 2,500 years ago. It was his view that "Lines are not written into the human hand without reason”.

So what exactly is Palmistry? It is the art of interpreting a person’s character by examining the lines and other features of the hand and fingers. These characteristics tell a story, and not only do they tell a story, they can heal and emit energy within and out.

They are directly connected to our energy portals, also known as meridians.

What do you get with your Handology Chart?

Once we review your answers from our questionnaire we will interpret the following:

  • Depth and Length of lines: There are 4 major lines we focus on.

    • The Life Line: Ones health and physical vitality, experiences and passion. (Does not indicate how long you will live)

    • The Head Line: Represents how thoughts and logic manifest in our lives and how we approach the world rationally.

    • The Heart Line: Reveals aspects of our emotional state, relationships and our potential to grow as a person,

    • The Fate Line: Deals with purpose and direction in life. Careers, personal choices, ancestry.

  • Shape and length of hands and fingers and how they correspond with the four elements (earth, water, fire air)

    • Earth: Grounded and practical

    • Water: Sensitive and receptive

    • Fire: Anxious or restless

    • Air: Adaptable and intellectual

  • Palm Chakras: All our energy points are reflected in our hands and they represent our ability to create what we want and need in the world. We use our hands in many ways so this area can become blocked if we are in conflict about what we have to give, or who we are giving it to. Do you want to hold hands? Do you like touching? Do you feel confident and worthy in what you give? Do you feel you deserve to receive love and healing touch? As each finger represents a different chakra you can become more aware of the message behind a specific finger pain by reading up about the chakra that is relevant.

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